kevin&win [631867] · MS 2015 · 쪽지

2016-02-09 22:00:47
조회수 4,913

좀 더 깊게 알아야 할 'D' 핵심 수능단어 [논스탑색시케빈]

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좀더 깊게 알아야 할 D 핵심 수능단어.hwp

좀 더 깊게 알아야 할 'D' 핵심 수능단어 [논스탑 색시 케빈]

(여러분이 직접 한글 뜻을 써보세요 큰 도움 될꺼죠!)

힘들게 공부하는 독학생에게 격려와 응원을 보냅니다.

재수를 시작한 고독한 러너들에게 믿음과 격한 찬사를 보냅니다. 저도 재수했습니다.

이제 고3이 된 친구들, 여러분이 쉽게 걸어온 길과는 이제부턴 매우 다를겁니다. 용기와 겸손을 갖추시길 바라며^^ 좋은 하루입니다.

*** 이 어휘조합들은 케빈이 출판을 위해 직접저작하고 있는 콘텐츠입니다. 이를 허락없이 인쇄물로 만드는것은 저작권법 위반임을 말씀드립니다. 




- Defective: malfunctioning, such as’defective sodftware’

- Deficient: insufficient= not good enough



- Delusion: a false belief, not based on reality

- Allusion: an indirect reference to another person or thing

- Illusion

a. a false impression; The illusion of prosperity in the USA was shaken in 1929 by the Great Crash.

b. a deceptive appearance; The magician gave the illusion of walking through a massive wall.



- Deliberate

a. something done on purpose, not accidentally(as a adjective)

b. careful and slow(as a adjective)

c. think about something carefully and discuss it at length( as a verb)

- Consider

a. think about something carefully, particularly when a decision has to made.

b. say how something or somebody is regarded; The professor is considered to be one of the leading experts in phonetics.



- Demand: as a noun, a firm request for something

- Demands: as a noun, the pressures imposed on someone

- Claim: as a noun, a request for something as legal right



- Depreciate: fall in value; The value of this car has depreciated by 50%.

- Deprecate: disapprove of strongly; He deprecated the government’s plan to build on polluted land

* self-deprecating= playing down one’s own achievements.



- Dye: a substance to change the colour of cloth, etc.

- Die: come to end of life.




- Disprove: prove something to be untrue or false

- Disapprove: consider something or someone unsuitable/ dislike



- Defuse: remove a fuse; The Army successfully defused the car bomb.

- Diffuse: disperse or scatter



- Discrepancy: a difference that should not be there; The police pointed out the discrepancies in the alibis given by the suspects.

- Disparity: a wide difference that is due to inequality; There is a huge disparity in income levels in this part of the world.



- Descendent: moving downwards or falling

- Descendant: a plant, an animal or person that is descended from another, such as offspring; Many families in Boston, Mass. are descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers.

- Heir: a person who is legally entitled to the estate of another upon the latter’s death.

[논스탑 색시케빈 소개]

연세대학교 사회과학대학 정치외교학과 졸업

전 스카이에듀 인강강사

전 연세대학교 강사

전 두산동아 패싱코드 파이널 모의고사 저자

현, 대치동 및 서울지역 다수학원에서 고3 및 N수생 전문강의

현, 색시한 영어연구회원/ 색시한 수능기출, 색시한 19일 영문법 저자

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